Discipline Hearings

Discipline Hearings

To demonstrate a transparent and functioning disciplinary process, we publish the results of all of our discipline hearings where charges of misconduct have been heard by independent and qualified Discipline Commission panels. The standard of proof for their determination of each charge is the civil standard of the balance of probability (I.e is it more probable or not that the offence that constitutes the charge took place). Any sanction issued is following a determination of all mitigation and aggravating factors and are issued in line with FA Sanction Guidelines. Any proven charge is subject to a potential appeal on specific grounds to the national Football Association.

 The following are results from hearings of charges heard during the 2023 - 2024 Season.




Charge Code Key


E1: Misconduct under the Rules and Regulations of the Football Association / Affiliated Association. This may include committing illegal approaches.


E10: A Participant’s failure to comply with a decision of the Association. This may include playing whilst under a suspension.


E12: A Club’s failure to comply with a decision of the Association. This may include allowing a player to play that should have been serving a suspension.


E20: Failure to ensure that Club personnel conducted themselves in an orderly fashion.


E21: Failure to ensure that spectators (including parents) conducted themselves in an orderly fashion.


E3: Improper Conduct. This may include abusive, threatening, or violent language or behaviour. It also includes assault.


E3.2: Improper Conduct where language has been used that is aggravated by a Protected Characteristic.