Staff Changes at Northumberland FA
Northumberland FA would like to send its best wishes to Referee Development Officer Lindsey Robinson, who is leaving the organisation on a year-long career break to the New Zealand FA.
Following an open recruitment process, Andrew Smith was a successful internal appointment and will commence his new role as Referee Development Officer when Lindsey leaves on Wednesday 1 August.
Andrew Smith will remain in post as Coach Education Administrator until Tuesday 31 July and will answer any coach education queries up to this point.
Following commencement of Andrew’s new role, Phil Robinson, Coach Development Officer, will be the interim contact for all coach education enquiries until our workforce requirements are confirmed.
John Ackerley, Northumberland FA Chief Executive Officer, said: “I’d like to wish Lindsey the very best of luck with her new role at the New Zealand FA. She has been a credit to the County FA during her time with us and has left a lasting impression on our local refereeing community – but it’s a role which is now left in the capable hands of Andrew Smith, who was the outstanding candidate for the position. I’d like to wish Andrew all the best for his new role at Northumberland FA.”