
Safeguarding in Open-Age Football

Helping adult clubs to understand their safeguarding responsibilities

We are constantly working to make football in our county a safe and enjoyable experience for all

At the start of 2019 The FA contacted open-age adult football clubs and leagues across the country to support them in fully understanding their safeguarding responsibilities for under 18s, and adults in disability teams.

Every open-age adult club is required to ensure the safeguarding of any under 18s involved with them. In addition where there are adult disability teams, they are required to promote safeguarding adults, across every aspect of the club.

Details of the requirements at each level of the game can be found in documents below. Many clubs will already meet these requirements, particularly those who also offer youth football where similar requirements have been enforced for some time.

We are here to help

Northumberland FA is committed to creating safe and enjoyable football for all. We here to support all of our adult clubs and leagues to ensure these requirements are met and can help you with any questions you may have in terms of safeguarding.

For further information and assistance please contact our Designated Safeguarding Officer Angela Forster on 0191 2700 700 or email


Download FA letter to clubs

Download FA letter to leagues